Author Archives: Henry

AI art

Hi! This is my standard response to people who complain about my use of LLM generated art. This is a topic I've thought about a lot. In fact, I have an entire 5000 word essay, laying out my thoughts about why this is a complicated set of issues. If you want to actually read what I've said and thoughtfully respond, I'm delighted to consider what you say. Genuinely - this is a moving target, and my thinking might evolve. If you don't want to, then of course no worries - but my personal take is that flyby complaints on social media about _anything_ don't actually amount to meaningful political action, but instead are an utterly inadequate substitute for it. Read Eitan Hersh on hobbyism (short version here, long version here). In short, my take is: don't moan, organize. Again, feel free to ignore this completely, mutter to yourself in disgust at me, or treat it as helpful advice as you like. Thank you for the minute or so you have taken to read this!