Books and academic publications


Henry Farrell and Abraham Newman, Underground Empire: How America Weaponized the World Economy, (Henry Holt in the US and Allen Lane/Penguin in the UK). Translated into Finnish, French, Japanese, Korean (forthcoming), Simplified Chinese (forthcoming). See Foreign Affairs review, Washington Post review, Times Literary Supplement review, National Review review, Washington Monthly review, Financial Times review, Los Angeles Review of Books review, Irish Times review, Pluralistic review, Publisher's Weekly starred review, Chatham House review.

Henry Farrell and Abraham Newman (2019), Of Privacy and Power: The Transatlantic Fight over Freedom and Security (Princeton University Press). Winner of the 2019 Chicago-Kent College of Law/Roy C. Palmer Civil Liberties Prize, and 2020 ISA-ICOMM Award. One of Foreign Affairs Best books of 2019. Reviewed in Foreign Affairs, the Military Review, and the International Social Science Review. Subject of a Hoover Institution/Lawfare "Security By the Book" event with Jack Goldsmith. Translated into Hungarian as Magánszféra és Hatalom, Pallas Athene, 2020.

Henry Farrell (2009), The Political Economy of Trust: Institutions, Interests and Inter-Firm Cooperation in Italy and Germany. Comparative Politics Series, Cambridge University Press. Reviewed in Perspectives on Politics.

Edited Books

Daniel Drezner, Henry Farrell and Abraham Newman, The Uses and Abuses of Weaponized Interdependence, Brookings Institution 2021. Reviewed in Lawfare by J. Dana Stuster.


  1. Henry Farrell, "AI as Governance," Annual Review of Political Science, forthcoming.

  2. Henry Farrell and Kim Stanley Robinson (2024), "Henry Farrell Talks to Kim Stanley Robinson," Vector, 299.

  3. Henry Farrell and Cosma Shalizi (2024), "Bias, Skew and Search Engines Suffice to Explain Online Toxicity," Communications of the ACM, preprint, 67,4:25-28..

  4. Henry Farrell, Hugo Mercier and Melissa Schwartzberg (2023), "Analytical Democracy: A Microfoundational Approach," American Political Science Review. 117,2:767-772.

  5. Henry Farrell and Marion Fourcade (2023), "The Moral Economy of High Tech Modernism," Daedalus, Winter 2023, 152,1:225-235.

  6. Henry Farrell and Margaret Levi (2023), "Reducing the Transactional Value of Identity & Race," Daedalus, Winter 2023, 152,1:168-173.

  7. Henry Farrell and Abraham Newman (2022), "Weak Links in Finance and Supply Chains are Easily Weaponized, Nature 605, 219-222, May 12, 2022.

  8. Henry Farrell and Jack Knight (2021), "Useful for What and Useful to Whom? IR and Its Public," International Studies Review, 23,4:1933-1958.

  9. Henry Farrell and Abraham Newman (2021), "The Janus Face of the Liberal International Information Order: When Global Institutions are Self-Undermining," International Organization Vol 75, No.2:333-58 (75th anniversary special issue).

  10. Henry Farrell and Abraham Newman (2019), "Weaponized Interdependence: How Global Economic Networks Shape State Coercion," International Security 44, 1:42-79. Reprinted in Daniel Drezner, Henry Farrell and Abraham Newman, The Uses and Abuses of Weaponized Interdependence, Brookings Institution 2021.

  11. Karoline Wiesner, Alvin Birdi, Tina Eliassi-Rad, Henry Farrell, David Garcia, Stephan Lewandowsky, Patricia Palacios, Don Ross, Didier Sornet and Karim Thebault (2019), "Stability of Democracies: A Complex Systems Perspective," European Journal of Physics 40, 1:014002.

  12. Henry Farrell and Abraham Newman (2018), "Linkage Politics and Complex Governance in Transatlantic Surveillance," World Politics 40, 4:515-554.

  13. Henry Farrell and John Quiggin (2017), "Consensus, Dissensus and Economic Ideas: Economic Crisis and the Rise and Fall of Keynesianism," International Studies Quarterly, 61,1:269-283. Subsequent subject of an ISQ Symposium, featuring Paul Krugman, Elizabeth Berman, Stephen Nelson and Andrew Baker, with a response from the authors.

  14. Henry Farrell and Charles Glaser (2017), "The Role of Effects, Saliencies and Norms in U.S. Cyberwar Doctrine," Journal of Cybersecurity,3,1:7-17. Republished in Herbert Lin and Amy Zegart, eds. Bytes, Bombs, and Spies: The Strategic Dimensions of Offensive Cyber Operations (Brookings Institution 2019).

  15. Henry Farrell and Abraham Newman (2017), "Brexit, Voice and Loyalty: Rethinking Electoral Politics in an Age of Interdependence," Review of International Political Economy 24,2:232-247.

  16. Henry Farrell and Abraham Newman (2016), "The New Interdependence Approach: Theoretical Development and Empirical Demonstration," Review of International Political Economy, 23,5:736-756.

  17. Henry Farrell and Abraham Newman (2015), "Structuring Power: Business and Authority Beyond the Nation-State," Business and Politics, 17,3:527-552.

  18. Henry Farrell and Abraham Newman (2015), "The New Politics of Interdependence: Cross-National Layering in Trans-Atlantic Regulatory Disputes," Comparative Political Studies, 48,4:497-526.

  19. Henry Farrell (2014), "New Problems, New Publics? Dewey and New Media," Policy & Internet, 6, 2:176-191.

  20. Henry Farrell and Abraham Newman, (2014), "Domestic Institutions Beyond the Nation State: Charting the New Interdependence Approach," World Politics, 66,2:331-363.

  21. Sean Aday, Henry Farrell, Deen Freelon, Marc Lynch, John Sides and Michael Dewar (2013), "Watching from Afar: Media Consumption Patterns Around the Arab Spring,"American Behavioral Scientist 57,7:899-919.

  22. Henry Farrell (2012), "The Consequences of the Internet for Politics," Annual Review of Political Science 15:35-52.

  23. Henry Farrell and Abraham Newman (2010), "Making Global Markets: Historical Institutionalism in International Political Economy," Introduction to Special Issue on Historical Institutionalism and International Market Regulation, Review of International Political Economy, 17, 4:609-638.

  24. Eric Lawrence, John Sides and Henry Farrell (2010), "Self-Segregation or Deliberation? Blog Readership, Participation and Polarization in American Politics," Perspectives on Politics, 8,1:141-157.

  25. Henry Farrell and Martha Finnemore (2009)."Ontology, Methodology and Causation in the American School of International Political Economy," Review of International Political Economy, 16,1:58-71. Republished in Catherine Weaver and Nicola Phillips, eds. (2010) International Political Economy and the Transatlantic Divide. London, UK: Routledge Press.

  26. Henry Farrell and Melissa Schwartzberg (2009). "Institutions and Majority Rule in Online Communities," Ethics and International Affairs, 22, 4:357-367.

  27. Daniel W. Drezner and Henry Farrell (2008), "Introduction: Blogs, Politics and Power," Public Choice, 134, 1-2:1-13.

  28. Henry Farrell and Daniel W. Drezner (2008), "The Power and Politics of Blogs," Public Choice, 134, 1-2:15-30.

  29. Henry Farrell and Adrienne Hèritier (2007), "Introduction: Contested Competences in the European Union," West European Politics 38, 2:227-243.

  30. Henry Farrell and Adrienne Hèritier (2007), "Codecision and Institutional Change," West European Politics 38, 2:285-300.

  31. Carl-Fredrik Bergström, Henry Farrell and Adrienne Hèritier (2007), "Legislate or Delegate? Bargaining over Implementation and Legislative Authority in the European Union," West European Politics 38, 2:338-366.

  32. Henry Farrell and Adrienne Hèritier (2007), "Conclusions," West European Politics 38, 2:405-415.

  33. Henry Farrell (2006), "Regulating Information Flows: States, Private Actors and E-Commerce" Annual Review of Political Science 6:353-374.

  34. Henry Farrell (2005),"Trust and Political Economy: Comparing the Effects of Institutions on Inter-Firm Cooperation," Comparative Political Studies, 38, 5:459-483.

  35. Henry Farrell and Adrienne Hèritier (2005), "A Rationalist-Institutionalist Explanation of Endogenous Regional Integration," Journal of European Public Policy 12, 2:273-290.

  36. Henry Farrell and Adrienne Hèritier (2004), "Interorganizational Cooperation and Intraorganizational Power: Early Agreements under Codecision and Their Impact on the Parliament and the Council," Comparative Political Studies 37, 10:1184-1212.

  37. Colin Crouch and Henry Farrell (2004), "Breaking the Path of Institutional Development: Alternatives to the New Determinism in Political Economy," Rationality and Society, 16, 1:5-43 (2004). Earlier version available as a Max-Planck Discussion Paper, Max-Planck Institute for the Study of Society, Cologne, Germany.

  38. Henry Farrell (2003), "Constructing the International Foundations of E-Commerce: The EU-US Safe Harbor Arrangement," International Organization, 57, 2: 277-306.

  39. Henry Farrell and Jack Knight (2003), "Trust, Institutions and Institutional Evolution: Industrial Districts and the Social Capital Hypothesis," Politics and Society, 31, 4:537-556.

  40. Henry Farrell and Adrienne Hèritier (2003), "Formal and Informal Institutions under Codecision: Continuous Constitution-Building in Europe," Governance, 16, 4:577-600.

  41. Henry Farrell (2002), "Hybrid Institutions and the Law: Interface Solutions or Outlaw Arrangements?," Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie, 23, 1:25-40.

  42. Gregory Flynn and Henry Farrell (1999), "Piecing Together the Democratic Peace: The CSCE, Norms and the 'Construction' of Security in Post-Cold War Europe," International Organization, 53, 3:505-35 (1999).

Chapters in Edited Volumes

  1. Henry Farrell and Abraham Newman, "Weaponized Interdependence and Networked Coercion: A Research Agenda," The Uses and Abuses of Weaponized Interdependence, eds. Daniel Drezner, Henry Farrell and Abraham Newman (Brookings Institution 2021).

  2. Henry Farrell and Hahrie Han, "Public Governance and Global Politics after COVID-19," COVID-19 and World Order: The Future of Conflict, Competition, and Cooperation, eds. Hal Brand and Francis J. Gavin (Johns Hopkins University 2020).

  3. Henry Farrell (2018), "Privatization as State Transformation," Nomos 60.

  4. Henry Farrell, "The Shared Challenges of Institutional Theories: Rational Choice, Historical Institutionalism, and Sociological Institutionalism," Knowledge and Institutions, eds. Johannes Glückler, Roy Suddaby and Regina Lenz (Springer 2018).

  5. Henry Farrell and Martha Finnemore, "Global Institutions without a Global State," Oxford Handbook on Historical Institutionalism, eds. Orfeo Fioretos, Tulia Falletti and Adam Sheingate (Oxford University Press: 2016). Also published in Orfeo Fioretos, International Politics and Institutions in Time (Oxford University Press: 2017).

  6. Henry Farrell and Cosma Shalizi, "Cognitive Democracy," Youth, New Media and Political Participation eds. Danielle Allen and Jennifer Light (Chicago University Press: 2015).

  7. Henry Farrell, "Social Institutions among Economists in the Wake of the Financial Crisis," in Economy and Society in Europe: A Relationship in Crisis eds. Luigi Burroni, Maarten Keune and Gugliemo Mardi (Edward Elgar: 2012).

  8. Henry Farrell, "Constructing Mid-Range Theories of Trust: The Role of
    ," Whom Can We Trust? How Groups, Networks, and Institutions Make Trust Possible (the Capstone volume of the Russell Sage Foundation project on Trust) eds. Karen Cook, Russell Hardin and Margaret Levi, Russell Sage Foundation: 2009).

  9. Henry Farrell and Adrienne Hèritier, "The Invisible Transformation of the Co-decision Procedure: Problems of Democratic Legitimacy," Institutional Challenges in Post-Constitutional Europe: Governing Change eds. Catherine Moury and Luis de Sousa (Routledge: 2009).

  10. Henry Farrell, "Socialist Surrealism: China Miéville's New Crobuzon Novels," New Boundaries in Political Science Fiction eds. Donald Hassler and Clyde Wilcox (University of South Carolina Press: 2008).

  11. Henry Farrell "Privacy in the Digital Age: States, Private Actors and Hybrid Arrangements in Governing Global Electronic Networks: International Perspectives on Power and Policy, eds. William Drake and Ernest Wilson (The MIT Press: 2008).

  12. Henry Farrell, "Transnational Actors and the Transatlantic Relationship in E-Commerce - The Negotiation of the Safe Harbor Arrangement," Creating a Transatlantic Marketplace, ed. Michelle Egan (Manchester University Press: 2005).

  13. Henry Farrell, "The Political Economy of the Internet and E-Commerce," in Political Economy and the Changing Global Order (third edition), eds. Richard Stubbs and Geoffrey R.D. Underhill (Oxford: 2005).

  14. Henry Farrell and Ann-Louise Holten, "Collective Goods in the Local Economy: The Packaging Machinery Cluster in Bologna," Local Production Systems in Europe: Reconstruction and Innovation, ed. Colin Crouch, Patrick Le Galès, Carlo Trigilia and Helmut Voelzkow (Oxford University Press, 2004).

  15. Henry Farrell, "Trust, Distrust, and Power" in Distrust, ed. Russell Hardin (Russell Sage Foundation, 2004).

  16. Henry Farrell, "Negotiating Privacy across Arenas - The EU-US 'Safe Harbor' Discussions," in Common Goods: Reinventing European and International Governance, ed. Adrienne Hèritier (Rowman and Littlefield: 2002).

  17. Colin Crouch and Henry Farrell, "Great Britain: Falling Through the Holes in the Network Concept," in Local Production Systems in Europe: Rise or Demise?, ed. Colin Crouch et al. (Oxford University Press), 2001. Italian translation published in I sistemi di produzione locale in Europa (Il Mulino 2004).